Speaking with Confidence

Speaking with Confidence says a lot about who we are and how we are feeling. People who speak with confidence don’t need to be loud and excitable – they can be quiet and considered and knowledgeable about what they are speaking about.

Speaking with Confidence is important as it is the way we connect with others – in some situations , it is extremely important to come across confident and knowledgeable.

In this presentation, Adrienne McLean discusses some of the difficulties faced and gives some How to Tips of being confident when speaking. This presentation will help individuals with one to one communication right up to delivering presentations.

Discussed are:

• The importance of speaking with confidence
• Some of the challenges faced
• How to handle nervousness
• The importance of practice
• Positive Thinking
• All the parts that go together with presentation skills

Summary of Presentation 

Speaking with Confidence is an attribute that is always admired – people who are nervous or out of their comfort zone for whatever reason may struggle with confidence. By understanding what is going on and what they can do to build confidence, this will be a skill they will always use right through their lives.

Confidence brings success – Speaking with Confidence is Important.

Whether you’ve been out of work for personal or career-related reasons, you’ll receive hands-on interview training and the opportunity to reassess your talent and goals for your next job search. Our supportive & friendly approach will help you build your confidence to help you get to the next level.

Contact Adrienne McLean on 0414 367 960 or email on adrienne@thespeakerspractice.com.au for more details.