How our approach helps Business Owners

As Business Owners, confidently delivering relevant messages with quality, professional delivery will help you to build Trust with Potential clients , get their attention and get them interested to see how you can help them.

A confident presence will give you that big break you are looking for. Right now, you have the opportunity to develop those skills, practice them in front of an audience and then book those networking and speaking engagements that will assist you to generate sales leads.

I am the Founder of The Speakers Practice , we specialise in helping clients to confidently market and present themselves. We also assist with promotional tools eg business presentations, video, writing, podcasts and social media. We are the first company in Australasia to present the top-rating programs – BookYourselfSolid® and the SpeakersTrainingCamp® program.

During the time of being in a corporate role and working for small business, the importance of leadership , continuous improvement , marketing and product development was focused on. Delivering presentations in a confident manner and getting the message across was essential.

Today, The Speakers Practice works with business owners and professionals helping with learning and developing marketing skills using the powerful marketing system BookYourselfSolid®, Presentation skills one-on-one, in front of a group and in front of a camera. By developing these skills, the owners and staff confidently present their ideas and the end result is building business by building connections.

Email me on or ring on Mobile 0414 367 960

Specialties: Marketing Skills, Public Speaking and Presentation Skills training.Video Marketing, Understanding of Product Development and Continuous Improvement, Facilitation, Leadership.