Interviews can be daunting – whether the interviewee is young, from overseas, a new graduate looking for a career, retrenched and out of work , going back into the workplace.
Whatever the situation, the Interview is the event where the applicant needs to sell themselves and often they don’t know how. In this presentation, the challenges are discussed. The major challenge of handling nervousness is reviewed with approaches to use to overcome those nerves. The six steps to having a successful interview are detailed which give support and advice of the best way to approach the interview.
Discussed are:
• The challenges of being the applicant in the interview
• The Applicants skills set (apart from their training) ie good team skills, great at customer service , polite, gets to work on time etc.
• How to handle the nervousness for a successful interview
• Preparing for an Interview
• What matters in an Interview
• Practice interviews
Summary of Presentation
Interview Time can be stressful – there are lots of applicants for jobs – How can applicants attend an interview and be prepared? These are the topics discussed in “Interview Skills”. The points raised by Adrienne McLean are practical, realistic and helpful to anyone who is looking for a new job.
Whether you’ve been out of work for personal or career-related reasons, you’ll receive hands-on interview training and the opportunity to reassess your talent and goals for your next job search. Our supportive & friendly approach will help you build your confidence to help you get to the next level.
Contact Adrienne McLean on 0414 367 960 or email on for more details.