Branding strategies – Gunnar Habitz – Business Success Strategies.

Branding is the way the prospects and clients see your business. Your branding is the face of the business. In this video & podcast, Gunnar Habitz details the important parts that go together to make a brand successful.

Gunnar Habitz has twenty years ICT experience in sales, marketing and consulting roles with a technical flavour covering various computing solutions sold to commercial and consumer segments. Originally from Switzerland with solid experience in the European market, Gunnar moved to Sydney in 2016 and completed a leadership program at the Australian Institute of Management and now offers his skills in the  areas software, services and solutions.

 Some of the questions Gunnar answers here on the topic of Branding strategies for growth are : 

  1. When looking at branding a business or a product, what are the essential steps?
  2. Why does changing a brand help with sales growth?
  3. What are your recommendations to a business who are looking for massive change?
  4. What are the signs of a successful brand?
  5. What is a strategy that has really helped you grow your business?

Here are some links that Gunnar recommends for checking out –

1) (my own website)
2) (my employee who changed the branding strategy totally in 2015)
3) (brand development expert Susan Jones)
4) (reseller Intrix who transitioned to a managed service provider)
5) (Matt Cowan Prospecting, I mentioned that I found him only due to his LinkedIn article)

The Business Success Strategies is a 30 minute interview with successful business people who have been able to achieve amazing results with growing a business.

Business Success Strategies is an always have something to offer event  sponsored by The Speakers Practice and The Speakers Practice offers programs to help SME professionals to market their business by speaking. helps SME professionals to market themselves using the international marketing system BookYourselfSolid – a marketing system designed for service professionals to get you more clients.

Adrienne McLean helps business professionals with marketing and business development along with promoting their business. You can contact Adrienne McLean on or ring on 0414 367 960.

Perfect Speech for Perfect PR

In PR, the value of words is invaluable. That sounds like a contradiction in terms, but it’s true. A great speech can build positive relationships with stakeholders and potential consumers, which is at the heart of public relations.

To become better apt for your next presentation, here are a couple of tips to help you become a better speaker.

  1. The Rule of Threes
  2. Know the Purpose of the Speech
  3. Use Humour, anecdotes and analogies
  4. Slang, Jargon, Formality or Informality

The Rule of Threes

The rule of threes is an excellent way to structure your speech. Personally, I love it, it just works for me and it also works for the audience. It’s simple, highlight three areas of the speech you will be discussing and elaborate on that. This rule works especially well if the third point is either slightly longer or has a nice little twist to it. The audience will believe will pay more attention as you save the best until last.

Purpose of the Speech

Purpose of  the speech will determine the tone an mood of your speech. If you are promoting your business to existing consumers at a convention, you are more likely to apply everyday language and incorporate humour. However, if the company is in the middle of a crisis, you better not joke. Knowing the purpose of your speech will get the best result out of people as you are giving them the information they want presented in a way that they like to hear it.

Humour in your Speech

Humour anecdotes and analogies are ways to stimulate the audience or to simplify high minded ideas to them. Just make sure that the jokes are actually funny and your anecdotes and analogies are accurate and don’t go off on a tangent. Read a joke book or look up online for analogies that best fit for your speech. If you practice this long enough, soon you will be like a duck to water.

Slang and Jargon

Slang and jargon in your speech is entirely determined by how knowledgeable your audience is.

Say we were selling TVs. If you were pitching televisions to IT professionals, you might talk about the technological processes  on how the TV functions. For a bunch of consumers, you might only need to say that the TV lasts longer, has a bigger screen and has better picture quality.

Finally you need to practice your speech. There is a massive disconnect if you constantly look at your notes. You can condense your speech into bullet points and make it whatever you say come naturally. Even though it may be harder for inexperienced people to publically speak without palm cards, maintain eye contact is the key for audiences to understand and enjoy you and what you wrote. You speak to the audience, not to the ground.

All of these tips will hopefully help you in both writing and constructing a speech from start to finish

Nelson Cumming is an enthusiastic business blogger with with a keen interest in Marketing and PR.

Adrienne McLean DTM – SpeakersTrainingCamp International Instructor and the Founder of The Speakers Practice – Adrienne specialises at

The Speakers Practice helping clients to confidently deliver presentations for maximum impact for sales presentations, pitching to Investors, promotional presentations etc.

Adrienne has been training presenting to camera programs since 2012 and has been coached by Lou Bortone – US Video Marketing Expert.

You can contact Adrienne on or ring on 0414 367 960.

How our approach helps Business Owners

As Business Owners, confidently delivering relevant messages with quality, professional delivery will help you to build Trust with Potential clients , get their attention and get them interested to see how you can help them.

A confident presence will give you that big break you are looking for. Right now, you have the opportunity to develop those skills, practice them in front of an audience and then book those networking and speaking engagements that will assist you to generate sales leads.

I am the Founder of The Speakers Practice , we specialise in helping clients to confidently market and present themselves. We also assist with promotional tools eg business presentations, video, writing, podcasts and social media. We are the first company in Australasia to present the top-rating programs – BookYourselfSolid® and the SpeakersTrainingCamp® program.

During the time of being in a corporate role and working for small business, the importance of leadership , continuous improvement , marketing and product development was focused on. Delivering presentations in a confident manner and getting the message across was essential.

Today, The Speakers Practice works with business owners and professionals helping with learning and developing marketing skills using the powerful marketing system BookYourselfSolid®, Presentation skills one-on-one, in front of a group and in front of a camera. By developing these skills, the owners and staff confidently present their ideas and the end result is building business by building connections.

Email me on or ring on Mobile 0414 367 960

Specialties: Marketing Skills, Public Speaking and Presentation Skills training.Video Marketing, Understanding of Product Development and Continuous Improvement, Facilitation, Leadership.

What are Investors looking for in Pitches?


Entrepreneurs and Startups have such great ideas, they are highly skilled in so many ways and they are wanting to change the world. There is the reality that it takes funding to change the great idea into reality.

So it becomes really important for the Entrepreneur to be successful when going through the pitching process with getting the necessary funding they need to make their dream into reality.

The delivery of the Pitch becomes the interface between the Entrepreneur and the Investor looking for great ideas that the Investor can make a good return on.

What are the important elements of the Pitch ?

1. Clarity – The individual delivering the pitch needs to have absolute clarity over each segment of the business proposal. Being able to articulate easily the design, formation and undertakings of the business is sound preparation for putting together a pitch.

2. Pitching Requirements – The Pitch must give all the information that the Investor needs to make an informed decision – to atleast talk further with the Entrepreneur if not make an offer.

The areas that need addressing are:
Identifying the problem the business is addressing?
What is the solution?
How big is the market?
How the business is going to make profit?
What is the business model?
Is there Proprietary Technology?
Who is the competition?
Marketing Plan- How are sales going to be achieved?
Team – Who is needed and on the team?
Money milestones – what are you going to spend and achieve?

3. The Delivery of the Pitch is important – if the Entrepreneur doesn’t display passion about his own product – then why would anyone else?  Preparation, practice, easy to read slides and a polished performance are all going to have a significant impact on the success (or not) of the pitch.


The whole package is important – information, delivery and clarity. Speaking to Investors and getting them to commit capital to your business idea is challenging but will reap great rewards – especially if you are prepared and have a polished presentation.

Adrienne McLean DTM – SpeakersTrainingCamp International Instructor and the Founder of The Speakers Practice – Adrienne specialises at The Speakers Practice helping clients to confidently deliver presentations for maximum impact for sales presentations, pitching to Investors, promotional presentations etc.

Adrienne has been training presenting to camera programs since 2012 and has been coached by Lou Bortone – US Video Marketing Expert.

 You can contact Adrienne on or ring on 0414 367 960.