How our approach helps Business Owners

As Business Owners, confidently delivering relevant messages with quality, professional delivery will help you to build Trust with Potential clients , get their attention and get them interested to see how you can help them.

A confident presence will give you that big break you are looking for. Right now, you have the opportunity to develop those skills, practice them in front of an audience and then book those networking and speaking engagements that will assist you to generate sales leads.

I am the Founder of The Speakers Practice , we specialise in helping clients to confidently market and present themselves. We also assist with promotional tools eg business presentations, video, writing, podcasts and social media. We are the first company in Australasia to present the top-rating programs – BookYourselfSolid® and the SpeakersTrainingCamp® program.

During the time of being in a corporate role and working for small business, the importance of leadership , continuous improvement , marketing and product development was focused on. Delivering presentations in a confident manner and getting the message across was essential.

Today, The Speakers Practice works with business owners and professionals helping with learning and developing marketing skills using the powerful marketing system BookYourselfSolid®, Presentation skills one-on-one, in front of a group and in front of a camera. By developing these skills, the owners and staff confidently present their ideas and the end result is building business by building connections.

Email me on or ring on Mobile 0414 367 960

Specialties: Marketing Skills, Public Speaking and Presentation Skills training.Video Marketing, Understanding of Product Development and Continuous Improvement, Facilitation, Leadership.

The Importance of Communication when the Business is attempting to adapt to Change.

Let’s get you out of your comfort zone. Instead of talking business, let’s start with a little philosophy. A man called  Heraclitus, an ancient Greek philosopher said “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man”

Change cannot be avoided. Yes, you can resist it for awhile, but change is like going on a train: You can hop along for the ride or it will pass you by. Skip too many trains and you will never get to your destination. This kind of philosophy applies to a business when undergoing change.

A lot of times it is hard to move into new waters but here are a couple of tips to help your business through change for the better.

1. Understand the Big Picture

Instead of losing yourself on where you want the business right now, start thinking about where you want the business to be several years down the track. That is your map, the place you want to be.

Your vision is the map and the change are the directions. While the directions may look daunting, you will understand that there is a light at the end of the tunnel and hopefully that will motivate you to keep going.

2. Be Positive

If you have a negative attitude, you tend to worry about failure. If you are negative about the change, you have already failed. If you have a negative attitude, your employees may become Mr. Sad, Mr. Angry or Little Miss Trouble themselves.

People don’t like working with others if they have a negative attitude and they will resist change, making it more likely that your change initiatives will not succeed.

Maintaining a positive attitude to change leads to the likelihood that employees will be more accepting of that change. Fearing change is normal, but accepting that fear is key and finding positivity within yourself is likely to influence your employees towards the changes you set out to make.

You know you have succeeded with change if the employees turn into Mr. Happy and Little Miss Sunshine

3. Communicate to others

It’s very easy for a boss or an owner to be locked up in a room and send a form email to employees about the changes you intend to make and hope the change occurs outside the confines of the office.

Form letters are good at making sure everyone gets that message, but it can be bad for the lack of two-way communication. Make sure people can ask questions about your change initiatives and make sure you can answer them. Talk to other people who have undergone a similar process and what they have experienced.

With the flow of information, people become more informed and therefore make better decisions. While change is being implemented, it can make the process easier when everyone is informs and on the same path.

4. Don’t Give Up!

Determination is a great quality in business. If you follow step 1 in the guide and look at the big picture, not giving up is an invaluable tool to change not only in business but in life.

For example, if I wanted to lose weight and gain abs, I know that if I exercise regularly, perform abdominal exercises with a healthy diet, I can achieve that in about 4-6 months. However, if I quit after the first exercise session, I will never get the abs I want.

Similarly, in business, if you know the right strategy to achieve your business goals, you have to know that the change is not always going to be easy. As a matter of fact, it might suck. However, if you have determination, you will have a better chance to get through the hardest parts of the change and you may be able to achieve your business goals.

The Bottom Line

I believe that the attitudes towards business (and corporate culture in general) come from a top-down approach. What the CEO thinks, feels and acts will seep down all the way to the bottom of the employee working totem pole.

That is why these tips are about attitude and organization. If the times are a changin’ and you can adapt to it in your mind and your actions, your coworkers will likely go through the change in the workplace a lot easier than a company who fear change and believe it is the enemy.

Nelson Cumming is an enthusiastic business blogger with with a keen interest in Marketing and PR.

Adrienne McLean DTM – SpeakersTrainingCamp International Instructor and the Founder of The Speakers Practice – Adrienne specialises at The Speakers Practice helping clients to confidently deliver presentations for maximum impact for sales presentations, pitching to Investors, promotional presentations etc.

Adrienne has been training presenting to camera programs since 2012 and has been coached by Lou Bortone – US Video Marketing Expert.

 You can contact Adrienne on or ring on 0414 367 960.

What are Investors looking for in Pitches?


Entrepreneurs and Startups have such great ideas, they are highly skilled in so many ways and they are wanting to change the world. There is the reality that it takes funding to change the great idea into reality.

So it becomes really important for the Entrepreneur to be successful when going through the pitching process with getting the necessary funding they need to make their dream into reality.

The delivery of the Pitch becomes the interface between the Entrepreneur and the Investor looking for great ideas that the Investor can make a good return on.

What are the important elements of the Pitch ?

1. Clarity – The individual delivering the pitch needs to have absolute clarity over each segment of the business proposal. Being able to articulate easily the design, formation and undertakings of the business is sound preparation for putting together a pitch.

2. Pitching Requirements – The Pitch must give all the information that the Investor needs to make an informed decision – to atleast talk further with the Entrepreneur if not make an offer.

The areas that need addressing are:
Identifying the problem the business is addressing?
What is the solution?
How big is the market?
How the business is going to make profit?
What is the business model?
Is there Proprietary Technology?
Who is the competition?
Marketing Plan- How are sales going to be achieved?
Team – Who is needed and on the team?
Money milestones – what are you going to spend and achieve?

3. The Delivery of the Pitch is important – if the Entrepreneur doesn’t display passion about his own product – then why would anyone else?  Preparation, practice, easy to read slides and a polished performance are all going to have a significant impact on the success (or not) of the pitch.


The whole package is important – information, delivery and clarity. Speaking to Investors and getting them to commit capital to your business idea is challenging but will reap great rewards – especially if you are prepared and have a polished presentation.

Adrienne McLean DTM – SpeakersTrainingCamp International Instructor and the Founder of The Speakers Practice – Adrienne specialises at The Speakers Practice helping clients to confidently deliver presentations for maximum impact for sales presentations, pitching to Investors, promotional presentations etc.

Adrienne has been training presenting to camera programs since 2012 and has been coached by Lou Bortone – US Video Marketing Expert.

 You can contact Adrienne on or ring on 0414 367 960.