Where do you start when writing an article?


Ok, you have a blank piece of paper and you need to write an article to promote your business.Busy executives and professionals tend to have time constraints ,they really need to get the documents done and working.

Where do you start? Ric Willmot has lots of suggestions, ideas and a wealth of business knowledge that can assist you.Grab your readers attention!

You need to remember that the way to keep the readers attention is by storytelling. The more clear and captivating the word pictures you paint, the more you will captivate your audience!
Ric Willmot , Executive Wisdom , recommends the following:

1. Get the Basics RIGHT – Understand clearly the purpose

– to sell?
– to influence?
– to build recognition?
– to motivate?

2. Consider the Foundation

– who are you writing to?
– What is interesting to them?
– Who is your audience?

3. What is the main claim?

I can highly recommend Ric Willmot’s Business Writing and Speaking workshop. For Business people and owners, Executives and professionals who need to prepare documentation for the workplace, this workshop will greatly assist and give wonderful structures to work by and make writing those documents so much easier.