Terms and Conditions

The Speakers Practice Terms and Conditions

Service Description

The Speakers Practice offers Training, mentoring, coaching and implementation packages to help Professionals with business development, skills development and promotions to raise the profile of themselves and their business.

The programs include workshops, networking functions, Training sessions, conference events, mentoring and accountability sessions.

Delivery Policy

Each training program has a schedule of delivery. Payment must be transacted by the client to be able to attend the training or mentoring or event.

Exceptions are only with discussion and agreement with the Founder.

Refund / Returns Policy

Should there be an issue with the training or mentoring, a refund will be offered or attendance at a repeat workshop.

Cancellations – upto 2 weeks there is a total refund offered.

Cancellations 2 weeks to 1 week – 50% refund

Cancellation within 1 week – there is no refund.

Privacy Policy

Attached on The Speakers Practice website is an optin to collect customer email addresses. The prospect gives the email and will be receiving emails, promotional items and newsletters about programs offered by The speakers Practice. There is always the opportunity to “Unsubscribe”.

At all times, The Speakers Practice will endeavour to help and support prospects and clients to outcomes of mutual benefit to both parties.


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