51 Ways You can use Video to Promote Your Business!


Video tell a story,  give a really personal approach. You can get to know the person who is the business ,who they serve, what they stand for, why they do what they do. Here are  51 different ways to use video –  Today, professionals need to understand the benefits that video bring to the marketing world – video build a connection with your audience and get your message across. The use of video is only going to get bigger and bigger.Todays consumer are far more educated and can do research about products before purchase – video is a great way to give the consumer the information they are looking for!

Here are 51 Ways you can use Video to Promote Your Business –

Customer Reference Videos

1. Customer Testimonials

2. Success Stories

3. Video Case Study

4. Man-in-the-street Interviews

5. Customer Presentations.

Product and Service Promotion

6. Product Presentations

7. Product Demonstrations

8. Product Reviews

9. Visual Stories

Corporate Video

10. Corporate Overview

11. Executive Presentations

12. Staff Presentations

13. Corporate facilities or equipment tour

14. Annual Report / Review

15. Video Signature and Video Introduction


16. On-Line Training

17. Overnight expert videos (Sales Support)

18. Just-in-time learning (‘How-to’ Videos)

Customer Support

19. Post sale support and maintenance videos

20. Website FAQ Video

21. Live, two-way video

Internal Communications

22. Internal Communications

23. Event/Conference and Trade Show Communications.

24. Employee orientation

25. Health, Legal & Safety

Advertising , Marketing and Promotion

26. Commercials

27. Viral Video

28. Email Video

29. Infomercials

30. Content Marketing

31. Landing pages and micro sites

32. Interactive Video

33. Branded Entertainment and Sponsored Video

PR Support and Community Relations

34. Video Press Releases

35. PR Support Materials

36. Community Relations Video

37. Corporate Talk Show / Interviews

38. EPK (electronic press kit)

Event Video

39. Event Presentation video

40. Round table Sessions

41. Q&A Expert sessions.

Other Uses of Video

42. Recruitment Videos

43. VLOG

44. In Store Video

45. Company Lobby / Waiting Room Video

46. Mobile Video

47. Market research, focus groups and polling

48. Video White paper

49. Video Magazine

50. Customer User Content Generated Campaigns

51. Behind the Scenes Video

Just by going through this list – it makes you consider the incredibly wide world of video and how you can benefit from implementing just a couple of these approaches. The Speakers Practice is running The Presentation and Video Program on Friday 8th February, 2019 – This program takes you through scripts, video creation and Presenting to Camera training – see The Speakers Practice – Presentation and Video Program  – Have a look and ring 0414 367 960 for more details.

This blog is referenced from Jimm Fox – See more

Continuous Improvement for Business Success!

This Continuous Improvement system – the Deming Cycle – has been implemented in the corporate world – originating in Japan in the 50’s. Why is this process so IMPORTANT Today?


In Business today – if you are wanting to Grow, Develop and Achieve Amazing things then by following this approach – you can achieve your desired results – Each step is important –

Stage 1 – Planning – this is the stage where you set the stage – you decide the end results that you are wanting – it helps to categorise these into – Financial, Marketing, Projects and Systems. This gives you a framework to move forward.

The Important task with this stage is to set Key Performance Indicators. Set a measurement for each category to see that you are moving in the right direction. The time spent here is important for setting the stage for the improvements.

To help small business owners who may be struggling, wanting more growth, looking for clients, using a system to work with helps. My approach is to do an audit using a marketing system – BookYourselfSolid® – by checking where the business is at the moment against the Internationally Successful Marketing system BookYourselfSolid® – you can find out what is being done at the moment and what needs to be done to grow.

Stage 2 – Do – This is the execution step – You need to execute the actions required to achieve the goals you have set. This requires focus and a clear pathway of development – set in Stage 1.

Keeping an eye on your Key Performance Indicators is important so see how you are tracking.

For small business owners, The Speakers Practice approach is to train using the BookYourselfSolid® system – really getting a great understanding of this system will assist with developing skills using innovative approaches.

Stage 3 – Check

This is where you go back and Check your progress – are you achieving everything you have desired or are you behind or infant?

This is important to assess because its here that you make the decisions of what needs to be changed to achieve your end results – your Key Performance Indicators.

Its may be you need some training, you need to learn new tasks, there will be some development required to grow your business to the next level.

For small business owners – here another audit is done – to see how far the business has come – this is important in identifying the learning required to develop the skills of the owners and staff.

Stage 4 – Act –

This is where you do the learning, the training and grow the skills to enable you to develop your business further. Skills development is important whether you are a sole trader, a small business or a large multinational.

The point with this process is that it is for any size business – growing and developing a business is essential for the health of the business – otherwise the business will stagnant.

This is the training process – getting the business owner – out of their comfort zone – learning new skills which gives the opportunity to grow the business. The Speakers Practice offers presentation skills and public speaking training, speaking to camera training, creation of information products training, social media training, and so on.

Closing Points

Then the key to this process is that it goes around and around. After the training – you do the planning , Implement and DO, Check and then do training to grow and develop more.

Its about learning , growing , developing and achieving the seemingly impossible goals – with application , perseverance and using this four stage process – you can develop your business and realise your dreams.

To speak with Adrienne McLean – ring 0414 367 960 – Skype Adrienne.McLean2 https://thespeakerspractice.leadpages.net/marketing-may-1-2015/