By using Speaking as a Marketing Strategy …….

When you use speaking as a marketing strategy, this can be an effective way to establish yourself as an authority in your field, build up your brand and generate leads. There are certain do’s and don’ts to keep in mind when using this strategy.

Firstly, define your target audience. Understand who your audience is and tell your message accordingly. This will help you to connect with them more effectively. And increase the chances of generating you may contact event planners who are in your target market.

See if the event planners audience would be interested in your topic. Send them a speaking proposal covering your presentation topic when in contact with the event planners say that if they need help, then you’re happy to help them with short notice. This is a big help to the event planner and they will appreciate your assistance and help you in return when they can prepare thoroughly.

Spend time preparing your presentation and practice it several times. This will help you deliver your message more confidently and effectively. Promote your speaking engagements. Use social media tell people about it or your emails, whichever trends you promote to tell them about your speaking engagements.

This will help you to reach a wider audience and generate interest in you.

Certainly when speaking, provide value. Make sure that your presentation provides tools and techniques to help your audience. This could be in the form of actionable tips, insights or inspirations. Then after your presentation, follow up with the attendees to thank them for their time and provide additional resources or support. This will help you to build relationships and potential customers don’t to consider isn’t when an event planner contacts you be open to the opportunity that they’re giving you when you do speak in index. This will be a month or more of promotions to raise awareness of your speaking at the conference or event.

So there’s a lot of value in getting your message out by other platforms. promoting you as an expert in your field. Be careful not to over Promote your products and services. Avoid using your speaking engagements as a selling from the stage and being too aggressive with it.

The important thing when you get up and present, is show your expertise. If you become too salesy and pushy, this lay term the audience are certainly in your presentation prepare your topic. don’t ramble or go off topic. Stay focused on your topic. This will make it easier for your audience to understand your message and take it in.

Otherwise you might lose the attention of your audience if you use jargon and highly technical language, unless you are really speaking to a very select audience. This may be too much for the audience to take in. So really judge the level of jargon that you use, and be careful not to use too much.

Please don’t ignore feedback, be open to critiques and what the audience’s about your presentation. take it into account for future presentations. This is a wonderful opportunity and the more speaking engagements and the more you engage with your audience, the more you build your speaking skills.

It is important to follow up don’t not follow up. Failing to follow up with attendees you become a distant memory. If you do follow up. It keeps you front of mind.

By following these do’s and don’ts. You can really use speaking as a marketing strategy to grow your business grow awareness of your brand and grow awareness of your expertise in the industry. enjoy going out and speaking to groups you’ll meet marvelous people experts in their field. Who you can help if you’d like some assistance, please give me a call check out speakers Practice website, www dot for speakers You’ll get my contact details there and you can certainly email or even call

For more, check out this video and The Speakers Practice website.