The Power of having a Coach or a Mentor by your side

On Saturday mornings, I get up early, meet up with my running & walking group and do a 7km walk. Sounds easy but I didn’t realise I am not a particularly fast walker especially when by myself.

In fact, Whether it is to do with my fitness or just that I am only 168cm, for what ever reason to me doing the 7km in about 81 – 84 minutes is my normal walking speed, that is about 12 mins per km.

When I walk with others, who may be fitter or simply faster walkers, my time can improve so much. I’ve even done a 10mins a km walk coming in at 70mins. To me this is a great success, it’s an improvement of about 20%! To the other walkers, this is straight forward but that’s because of their experience.

It can’t help make me think that it helps so much to have someone walk by your side.

To have someone, who has been there and done that, to help get you going just that bit faster. Not only is there the camaraderie of doing the work or exercise with you, they keep you focused and task driven. There can be talk along the way and actually keeping the speed up is fine as your mind is on the topic of conversation!

Having a coach or mentor by your side can help you make larger strides ahead than you first imaged, that is what happens. The coach will help keep you on track. The coach will help keep you on the agreed path rather than diverting off to a distraction. The coach will help you focus on what is important. If some negative self-talk happens, the person by your side will shatter that self talk and keep you positive !

So whatever your undertaking, it is walking, running or being in business, a coach or mentor is so valuable in helping you to make the undertaking you desire.

There certainly is power in having a coach or mentor!

Adrienne McLean is a BookYourselfSolid® Certified Coach, SpeakersTrainingCamp® Internationally Accredited Instructor and the Principle of The Speakers Practice. Offering marketing discovery audits, online training programs, Public Speaking for Professionals, Effective On-Camera Presenting workshop and much more.

Email on or ring on 0414 367 960

Our Programs

The Speakers Practice programs are for Entrepreneurs, Coaches and SME Business owners. We also offer assistance with career advancement and speciality speeches.

Our clients have a professional background, have enjoyed many successes and now they have taken the brave step to start their own business. However, growing the business is not as straight forward as they first thought.

Our clients are experts at what they do and offer. The main problem they face is getting in the business, once they can do this, the business prospers and they shine.

The urgent challenges our clients experience are:
➖  Need more clients to grow their business
➖  Talking about what they do is difficult
➖  Marketing doesn’t light their fire
➖  Nervousness about making an error
➖  A stumbling block is anything to do with the internet
➖  Have another block on putting something out there to people who they don’t know
➖  Not admitting marketing and doing sales activities they find difficult

The good news is that this is completely normal.

The Speakers Practice has a suite of programs , specially designed, to help with these challenges and deliver training to achieve and succeed. We offer a systematic approach for getting more clients by implementing the BookYourselfSolid®️ business building approach and here are the results that clients see by going through the training and coaching..








Our work includes:
✔︎  Marketing & Sales Business training – following the Book Yourself Solid business system
✔︎  Presentation Skills training – following the SpeakersTrainingCamp Presentation skills training
✔︎  Marketing tools – Presenting to groups & camera, video, podcasting and more
✔︎  Implementation of a business system to get more clients
✔︎  Goal setting, 90 Day planning and Accountability
✔︎  Digital Marketing and Social Media training
✔︎  Product development
✔︎  Event planning and management
✔︎  Confidence building

Our clients say the #1 result they experience when they buy into our programs is that they learn what they need to do to grow their business and they see the benefits of doing the work – more clients! 

The thing that sets our programs apart is our individualised approach and absolute belief in every, single one of our clients at their incredible skills and expertise.

Our programs offer training, mentoring and assistance with presentation skills, marketing and business building with camaraderie of others doing the same thing.

Email or ring on 0414 367 960 for more details.



























For larger SME companies, we have a speciality with continuous improvement, change management, business building systems and quality management systems which add credibility ,as well as, significantly improved business efficiencies. Contact Adrienne McLean, The Speakers Practice, at or ring on mobile 0414 367 960 for more details.

Some examples are:
ISO9001 – Quality Assurance
ISO17025 – NATA Testing and Calibration Standard
ISO45001 – Occupational Health and Safety

Adrienne McLean is a BookYourselfSolid®️ Certified Coach, a SpeakersTrainingCamp®️ International Instructor, trained Quality Auditor and Facilitator. Adrienne is a member of the Australian Marketing Institute of Australia and is a Certified Marketing Professional on the NSW Chapter committee.

Also, check out our Programs for Executive Coaching