The Nine Ways the Business Speakers Forum assist You as an Entrepreneur


How can the The Speakers Practice – Business Speakers Forum assist you as an Entrepreneur?

By using the Forum – there are many ways this Business Speakers Forum can assist you – Here are Nine ways-

Entrepreneurs generally:

Work by themselves or with small groups on projects to follow their dreams
They are really focused on what they are doing and trying to achieve
Entrepreneurs always looking for ways to promote their business.
Entrepreneurs are always wanting to learn more to better their business

So how can the Business Speakers Forum assist Entrepreneurs?

The Business Speakers Forum is designed to assist Entrepreneurs to Promote Their Business by Speaking – Speaking is a great way to get to a large number of potential clients easily and get your message across.
For each Business Speakers Forum, there is a 30-45 minute training session on a topic around Presentation Skills in the workplace – this gives the attendees current, uptodate information about a variety of topics – the Trainers are all Professionals in their fields – your Facilitator, Adrienne McLean is a member of the National Speakers Association of Australia and has connections to gather experienced speakers who address valuable topics. See
The Business Speakers Forum – provides an audience for Entrepreneurs to test out their presentation – after the presentation – the presenter talks to the audience to find out observations about the presentation – did the message get across? – Did the presentation flow and was it easy to follow? – Was the delivery entertaining? The Peer Mentoring used is incredibly powerful way to develop skills.
The Business Speakers Forum meets for five sessions four times a year. This gives an Entreprenuer regular times to attend without it being too onerous.
At the Business Speakers Forum – Videos can be prepared – there is a suitable Sony camera along with quality video lights in place for the meetings. Attendees are able to present short – 1-3 minute videos – if attendees present one video each session for the full series – for $187 they can have 5 videos of suitable quality for a newsletter or blog. How useful is that to an Entrepreneur for promoting their business? Blogs with video are three times as likely to attract inbound links.
Entrepreneurs can work on material at the Business Speakers Forum, to assist them to prepare for a big pitch to an investor or client. This is incredibly useful for really fine tuning their presentation and knowing that they are prepared for the big day.
Networking is important and at the Business Speakers Forum – attendees get to speak with Like-Minded Entrepreneurs who are forging their business forward. Connections are made and business is created at this forum.
Presentation Skills are a priority – your Facilitator – Adrienne McLean – will build your confidence , assist in areas that you can develop , shows practical ways to prepare for presentations. Adrienne finds avenues to assist you to promote your business by speaking – Rotary events and Radio are some of the ways available.
The Business Speakers Forum is a highly informative training session with presentation skills development – it is highly interactive , a place to experiment on ideas and presentations, a place to create and practice video and a place to learn from others. Have a look at our website –

Come along! Join our Meet-up Group and follow the wonderful series of trainers and activities . –