Professional Services Business Growth Program


This monthly program is designed especially for Business Owners who are specialists in their field but don’t like the marketing and sales side of running a business.

The Business Growth program includes training on:

√  Understanding how the business development process works is vital for a business to be successful.

√  Building Marketing and Sales Skills

√ Raising awareness using social media – including LinkedIn and other social media platforms

√  Confidence to go out and promote the business via presentations, networking and many marketing tools

Also included is attention to Accountability – the program is designed to help you get done what you say you are going to do.

How does the program work?

The Professional Services Group Mentoring Program delivers :

  • Weekly contact with online mentoring calls and emails.
    NB – Attendance at the online calls and replying to the emails is a pre-requisite of signing up to this Mentoring program.
  • Exclusive WhatsApp Group – only for group members. You can network, ask questions and access all the documents easily.
  • The mentoring calls have training session with a Q & A section – schedule at 1pm on Thursdays. 
  • The emails have 3 questions to keep you accountable – they will be sent at 1pm on Thursdays. The dates will be detailed on the Facebook group – they can be sent on request.
  • Access to  Book Yourself Solid Online Training Program giving you an overview of this proven business building system
  • Business resources – video interviews with experts on relevant topics


The value delivered by the Professional Services Business Growth Program is huge! 
😀 This program delivers a strong framework for growing a business with skills development and accountability.
😀 You will keep on track with a Book Yourself Solid Certified Coach to support you as you build your business.
😀You will have tools and resources to assist you get ahead.
😀 You will be part of a business community to discuss questions and network

The affordable, monthly cost for this program is $200.00 + GST.

Should you want a 1:1 consultation with Adrienne McLean, as well as, the online calls and emails, the cost is $250 + GST ie $275 per month.


How to build a community on LinkedIn globally -Business Success Strategies interview with Anna McAfee

Building on-line communities is important now. Connecting with people is vital for building trust and connections. Anna McAfee, Co-Founder of LinkedIn Local really discusses the importance of this and how the LinkedIn Local community has grown internationally.

There are some gems of information in this interview. The special part is Anna’s advice on her most recommended business success strategy. Anna has some really valuable advice.

Here’s the full interview – takes just on 30 mins. Enjoy!

Adrienne McLean helps professionals to get more clients, move forward and build confidence to get the sales flowing in with developing presentation skills, building confidence to speak to camera and work on business development ie marketing & sales. Ring Adrienne McLean on 0414 367 960 or email on for more details.