Networking to build your reputation

Networking functions help Service Professionals to build their audience, grow their skills and connect with other businesses to build opportunities to refer.

Networking helps to raise your profile, make connections and have you talk about what you do. All the important parts that go together to build a reputation.

Networking is:

  • meeting with people one-on-one,
  • sending personalised emails
  • attending networking functions
  • building an online community

Things to think about:

🔆 Your brand and your reputation are very closely aligned. Nurture your reputation and build your brand.

🔆 Networking is one of the parts that go along the business development process and how important it is to keep in contact with your audience.

🔆 It takes anywhere from 5 to 15 touch points to make a sale so Service Professionals need to be keeping in touch with their audience.  When you network face to face with someone or pick up the phone and have a constructive conversation, these are useful touch points in the process of building trust.

 The focus of The Speakers Practice is to help Service Professionals with navigating the business development journey and building confidence with strong presentations and going out to promote themselves.

This is not always as easy as it seems. 

Adrienne McLean is a BookYourselfSolid® Certified Coach, SpeakersTrainingCamp® Internationally Accredited Instructor and the Principle of The Speakers Practice. Offering marketing discovery audits, online training programs, Public Speaking for Professionals, Effective On-Camera Presenting workshop and much more.

Email on or ring on 0414 367 960

Professional Services Marketing Conference

What makes the Professional Services Marketing Conference unique from the other marketing & sales events in Sydney?

The Professional Services Marketing Conference is different from large events because this conference is focussed on taking the delegates through the business development process starting at marketing and digital marketing going through to sales in the afternoon and including mindset as this is so important to the process.

Each presenter is asked to deliver 3 conference takeaway strategies that the delegates can go back to their business and utilise. That’s 36 different strategies – that’s huge value!

PLUS the Presenters are each offering some conference gift – a book, some consultation time something that the delegates attending can connect with the speakers.

This conference is:

✔︎ highly personalised.

✔︎ our speakers are local, Australian specialists who have been through the same business building process that Service Professionals in the B2B space experience.

✔︎ The content is specialised and relevant to Service Professionals.

✔︎ Delegates are much closer to the speakers and can ask questions they have either during or after the presentation.

✔︎ The Speakers are offering huge value to the delegates who attend the conference.

✔︎ The NSW Minister for Finance and Small Business is attending – you will be able to ask the minister questions about how the government is helping SME to do business.

✔︎ Each speaker has experience in business development, marketing and sales.

✔︎ Everyone understands the importance of mindset in growing a busienss.

✔︎ Networking and business was done from attending the conference in 2018.

✔︎ This year, there are many opportunities to connect with like minded professionals, who understand the challenges being faced.

✔︎ The Sydney Boulevard Hotel look after our delegates beautifully with a delicious morning and afternoon tea. There’s  a fabulous lunch where the delegates get to know each other just that bit more!

✔︎ The presentations are fast paced with breaks, thee’s a huge amount of variety and all focused in on helping you as a Service Professional to grow your business.

✔︎ This is a one day conference to sit back and think about the business development of your business. Listen to experts who have been there and done exactly what you are wanting to achieve.

The Professional Services Marketing Conference is an information conference and is NOT selling from the stage. The delegates will have opportunities to  connect with our experts which is networking and building trust and then perhaps business will follow but its all up to the delegates.


To book in – see Professional Services Marketing Conference

Positioning Yourself as an Expert using Content Marketing

When you are speaking or writing about your topic of interest, you are displaying your expertise in that niche. The more you do this, the more you display your skills, understanding and knowledge in that area, helping to build trust and credibility. By continually creating content to promote on social media platforms, where your target market will see, you become the category authority and, over time, the “go to” person in your niche.

Building a body of content in a niche helps grow your Intellectual Property which can be used in a number of ways – even monetised. But before you get started, preparatory foundational steps are required to ensure the content you create addresses your target audience’s problems, ensuring it’s valuable and answers market questions.

Being clear on these five points is the preparatory work required, before you get started on your content creation:

Determine your niche
Look at content already created for gaps
Determine your ideal client and target market
Determine the problem you’re addressing and the solutions you offer
Create a list of content topics


Presentations & Signature Speeches

Speaking helps to convey your message to large groups of people and efficiently spread the word. However, delivering presentations is a craft – a learnt skill that requires connecting with the audience through the use of stories, examples, statistics and any other device that connects your audience with the topic.

Preparing a signature presentation can be something you can develop and hone. Then promoting your expertise to event planners can help get you in front of the right audiences at the right time. Not only that, talking one to many is a fabulous way to connect and grow your audience and your network of influence.


Using video to promote your business topic is a great way to talk one-on-one, but many times. Developing the skills to prepare great video is invaluable, helping you speak with impact in front of the camera with a script that truly connects with the audience. Naturally, the more comfortable you are in front of a camera, the more you will be able to get your message across in a meaningful way.

However, there are skills to learn and develop – planning, the presentation skills to camera and then the post-production work, including editing the video with your branding. Your video can also be transcribed and repurposed for blogging and eBook/Book creation.


Webinars offer a multi-faceted approach, but require some planning/up front considerations, including:

the webinar topic
the webinar platform and how it will run. (Are you running it with a business partner or alone?)
where people will log in?
pre-webinar promotions to get people to sign up
post-webinar promotions (uploading on to YouTube and Vimeo for circulation)
contact detail collection
Webinars can also be used as online training programs or broken up into smaller promotions.

Writing & Blogging
Writing about your expertise is a wonderful way to create your own Intellectual Property and to explore areas of expertise that may even surprise you. The blog creation process helps convey your expertise, with each blog article being able to be amalgamated to form longer articles and eBooks – even chapters of a book.

Doing interviews with experts in other areas can help highlight your own expertise and, as with video, your audio can be transcribed and repurposed for blogging and eBook/Book creation.


Speaking on radio not only displays you as an expert, the Mp3 recording can be uploaded to create a podcast.


Finding a suitable podcast platform is useful to share your interviews with the world. Mixcloud and Anchor are my favourites. It’s easy to upload the Mp3 recording and then the platform will make it easier to share.

Opportunities with Content
By creating video content, you can also prepare an Mp3 recording for audio use and have this transcribed using an app called Otto. From the edited transcript you can then go on to prepare a blog article or eBook. Then, you can create an online training program using the video or audio, prepare some slides, pdf questionnaires and so on.

The repurposing opportunities are enormous, so take the time to consider how you can fully utilise your information assets, remembering that everything you create helps position you as the expert in your field.

Seven Tips for Creating Content
Ensure your content adds value to your ideal clients and prospects
Create content on topics that resonate – aim to inform
Upskill as necessary to create good content – blog writing or production of video and audio content
Create a Content Calendar
Amalgamate your content to create eBooks and Books
Develop your own IP by creating online programs
Build a community to help promote and share your content
Before you proceed, consider the purpose behind what you are creating. Perhaps you’re doing fortnightly blogs, which can be read aloud to create audio files, then slide decks and supportive video can be created. Use your imagination and see what amazing content you can produce.

Most of all, have fun and enjoy the process!

Adrienne McLean of The Speakers Practice helps professionals with Marketing & Communications. This was written by Adrienne McLean and first published for the Spin the Sourcebottle, Source bottle –

Technology to make Marketing Easier with guest Ana Melikian

Ana Melikian, the Founder of Tech Tips For Coaches and loves to help business owners achieve their BIG goals! Ana has a Phd in Psychology and is passionate about helping purpose driven, creative entrepreneurs with online marketing and understands the importance of working on mindsets in order to succeed.

Ana is an Elite Level BookYourselfSolid certified coach and co-founded the More Clients More Fun, where they developed leading-edge LinkedIn strategies for business development to land high-value clients.  In 2018, Ana launched Tech Tips For Coaches, a very affordable members

hip site designed to help coaches, consultants, trainers, and speakers to navigate the online world and market their services online with ease and joy!

The topic of our interview today is “Technology to make Marketing Easier ! ”.

The questions Ana discusses are:

  1. There are so many online marketing tools – where do businesses start?
  2. Which is your favourite CRM  and Email Management system and why?
  3. What are some of the things to watch out for when choosing online platforms?
  4. What are some other business tools that are essential for a business today?
  5. What is a Business strategy that you recommend? 

Adrienne McLean DTM , The Speakers Practice – helping clients with business development. Adrienne empowers Business owners to implement a powerful business building system to get more clients & communication skills to connect with impact.

 You can contact Adrienne on or ring on 0414 367 960.

Goal Setting and Achieving!

Thanks for joining us for this Business Success Strategies Interview . The aim of this 30 minute interview is to find out from highly successful experts approaches for marketing & growing a business.

It’s wonderful today to have Scotty Schindler join us today.

Scotty Schindler is today recognised among Australia’s leading entrepreneurs. After three decades of hard work day in and day out in his business career, Scott retired in 2017 at 46 years of age and immediately turned his attention towards service of others in business.

Scott has an insight built on real and enduring experience acquired over three decades in business, Scott is renowned in Australia and beyond for his thought leadership.

The topic of our interview today is “Goal Setting and Achieving ! ”. The questions answered with lots of enthusiasm and vigour are:

1. Many people find it easy to set goals but find it difficult to achieve them. Is there an approach to setting goals so they are achievable?

2. Is it a good idea to have lots of goals or just set a few? Does setting annual, 3 year, 5 year etc goals work?

3. It gets easy to get roadblocks in the process of trying to achieve a goal. What’s your advice about handling roadblocks?

4. What’s your approach to actually focusing on a goal and achieving it?

5. What is a Business strategy that you recommend?

6. Tell us about your business.

The Power of Practice!


It’s through Practice, that people who give presentations can work on their presentation to give maximum impact to their audience. It’s one thing to talk about what you want to speak about, its another thing completely, whether your audience understands the points you are delivering.

Even the most experienced presenters practice their speeches, fine tune their messages, understand the timings of their presentations so their audience really gets the most out of attending and ultimately wants to hear more and wants to do business with the presenter.

So , what is the Process of Practicing a Presentation?

PREPARE – this is where you gather your information, write your presentation, look at your objectives for giving the speech and what your message is. Use stories that are yours , this will help you to remember what goes next. This is where most of your time is spent. The SpeakersTrainingCamp® has a wonderful structure that can really help you to look at every aspect of a presentation.

REHEARSE – you have your presentation ready, now to get your delivery smooth and confident, you need to rehearse a number of times so that you really feel that you know it inside out. Then you can present your speech not relying on notes, you can have them there ,however, it really helps your presentation if you are not glued to your notes and you are looking at your audience.

– you are delivering your presentation to inform, inspire and guide your audience. You can make a difference with your presentation – whether it’s an important presentation to an executive committee , a work group or its a social presentation. Your presentation is for your audience.

– Practicing your presentation will give you the opportunity to maximise your connection with your audience. The more confident your presentation, the more you know your message, the more authentic you are, the more eye contact you have with your audience, the more you know about your audience – the better your connection with your audience and the more you will be successfully able to get your message across.

TIMING – Always ,and I mean , Always respect the timing of your presentation. Know your presentation, and by going through this process you do now, Know how long it takes and suite the timing to what is expected. You may be given 20mins, then , have your presentation going for 20minutes. This point is really important. Speakers that think they can go on for hours instead of minutes loose their audience’s respect as well as credibility. By practicing, you can fine tune the timing and increase your confidence.

IMPROVE – Professional speakers practice and improve their presentations so that they can confidently present their speech and achieve maximum impact. Don’t wing it, practice and Improve then you will get maximum impact from your presentation.

– Now you have Prepared, REhearsed , thought about your Audience, built a Connection wtih your audience, worked at the Timing, Improved – all these tasks have Consolidated your presentation so that you can really achieve what you would like from your presentation – and that is Impress them!

EXCEL – when you follow this process , you will Excel and do your best. Ok, there’s always areas to work on ,however, by continuing along this path of Continuous Improvement and Practice of your Presentations , you will Excel! this is the Power of Practice.

Consider joining The Speakers Practice – Speakers Forum. Attendees are like-minded Business People who are wanting to promote their businesses by speaking to networking groups, associations ,etc. We discuss presentation skills , present current speeches and get audience feedback on delivery, objectives , on how we understood the message, and so on.

Enjoy your Presentations, Practice your Presentations and appreciate the Power of Practice!!

Video is a powerful way of connecting ……

Video is an incredibly powerful way of connecting with your clients.

You, as a business owner, can connect one-on-one with your clients and prospective clients in a way that was unheard of 15 years ago. Today, it is so easy to use a phone or tablet to create a video, the quality is reasonably good and connections can be made one to many easily and regularly.

For more professional video, access is available and quality video is more affordable than ever. You can create your own commercial with high quality displaying you as the expert in your field to everyone that clicks on your website or Youtube channel.

So what sorts of video could you create to speak to your prospects?

Here’s a list but there’s over 50 different types of video – see – 51 ways you can use video

  1. Short, sharp phone video for use on Facebook
  2. Branded professional video for websites
  3. How to video for Youtube and websites
  4. Video for Online Training programs
  5. Video via Webinars

Each profession will suite various sorts of video. Its a matter of thinking about how can video be best utilised in my business to help my clients.

Once you have thought through the use of video within your business, then its the creation of the video that is to be considered.

Video creation involves –

  1. Planning – the script, the message, the location, how the video is to be created, who is to be involved , is it a person speaking or animated video?
  2. Production – the creation of the video – who is going to do this and how
  3. Post Production – preparing the digital recording into a professional MP4 recording.

There’s plenty to think about when preparing a video.

The important consideration is the connection with you and your clients and prospects.

Video can help your business by:
a.displaying you as the expert in your field
b. keep a personal connection with your audience
c. use various, interesting video to keep your audience engaged and following your topics
d. giving your audience valuable information using video in an easy to watch format
e. you, as the business owner, only need to say this once on the video and then it can be seen multiple times by viewers so for you it is actually time consuming not having to say the same thing again and again.

Consider the ways video can help you. Perhaps, give us a call to discuss opportunities where you can utilise video to help you.

Check out the Effective On-Camera Presenting program Video is a powerful marketing tool and that marketing using video is becoming an important way of connecting with your prospects & clients. To use video, are you looking to understand ✔︎ How to effectively present to camera ✔︎ What you need to be aware of when using video ✔︎ What are the best approaches to create successful video? ✔︎ Get nervous in front of a video camera ✔︎ Wanting to create successful video? ✔︎ What tools you need to do this

Adrienne McLean DTM – SpeakersTrainingCamp International Instructor and the Founder of The Speakers Practice – Adrienne specialises at The Speakers Practice helping clients to confidently deliver presentations for maximum impact. Adrienne has been training presenting to camera programs since 2012 and has been coached by Lou Bortone – US Video Marketing Expert.

 You can contact Adrienne on or ring on 0414 367 960.

How to build a community on LinkedIn globally -Business Success Strategies interview with Anna McAfee

Building on-line communities is important now. Connecting with people is vital for building trust and connections. Anna McAfee, Co-Founder of LinkedIn Local really discusses the importance of this and how the LinkedIn Local community has grown internationally.

There are some gems of information in this interview. The special part is Anna’s advice on her most recommended business success strategy. Anna has some really valuable advice.

Here’s the full interview – takes just on 30 mins. Enjoy!

Adrienne McLean helps professionals to get more clients, move forward and build confidence to get the sales flowing in with developing presentation skills, building confidence to speak to camera and work on business development ie marketing & sales. Ring Adrienne McLean on 0414 367 960 or email on for more details.

November 2018 Newsletter

To the attendees of one of the biggest, annual networking events in Sydney, a questionaire was sent out to see what topics and issues they would like to have addressed either at this networking event or at other workshops etc.

Over 70% of the respondents detailed that they struggled with their marketing and would like more information on that business topic.

Plus, research from the Peter Faber School of Business & Law at the Australian Catholic University has shown that businesses struggle with :

  • Marketing
  • Personal Selling
  • Getting the sale across the line

So getting more clients and understanding what needs to be done when going through the business development process to realise the sale is a challenge for many businesses in todays challenging world.

These are the business building activities that will help grow a business – marketing, having a digital presence, sales and mindset. The challenges faced by businesses with implementing these business activities are real.

The second important activity is to have your marketing and sales systematised to make these activities more efficient. This will assist with getting sales faster.

If you have questions, examples or comments, then please let us know. Our programs are designed to help Service Professionals to get more clients, we are here to assist and we encourage you to comment. 

Here is a well worthwhile video to watch with Michael Port, the author of the business building system BookYourselfSolid®. Michael is delivering a 7 minute overview of how the BookYourselfSolid® system works and the segments that all businesses need to address to be booked solid.

If you have a questions about business development and marketing – for instance about Target Market or about Building Trust and Credibility or working with Ideal Clients or how to have a Sales conversation, what marketing activities are important – we have a proven approach to help you go from having no leads in your pipeline to being fully booked. We can help you get to the next level. 

Just as one example – a Customer Relationship Management tool (CRM) can keep all your clients details in one place and you can easily get in contact with your clients. You might be surprised how infrequently this tool is used ,however, it is a very valuable way to building trust and credibility and those connections with your clients that are so important. We can help you implement a CRM system that fits your budget. 

Here are some of our programs –

Marketing Skills and Business Development system
Public Speaking, Presentation Skills and Communication Skills
Speaking to Camera and creating Video
Professional Services Marketing Conference

Being the BookedYourselfSolid® Certified Coach here in Australia, we have available all the tools, exercises and building blocks to help businesses grow. The BookYourselfSolid® business building system puts a structure and framework to work by that systematically helps to grow a business. Just email to find out more details.
Connect and celebrate with Service Professionals on Monday 10th December from 6.30pm – 8.30pm !

Share & network, bring along promotional items to hand out and share about the years triumphs.

The Speakers Practice is offering a special BONUS for the first 15 to book in – a one hour marketing consultation PLUS a review of the 21 Step Marketing checklist – to see where your marketing is up to and where can be worked on to Get More Clients !

This will really assist you with your planning for 2019.

This is an opportunity to meet and connect with like – minded professionals at a fabulous venue to look back over the year and look forward to the next one (not too far away!). The Endeavour Tap rooms are putting on a delicious meal for you to enjoy.

Plus – you get two special BONUSES to really assist with making 2019 a very successful year!

Book in here

             The BookYourselfSolid Masterclass Intensive – 8 sessions live, online – going step by step through the business development system BookYourselfSolid – check here more details 
            Marketing Discovery Audit 
By doing an annual marketing audit, you will find out:
✔︎ Are your marketing systems working for you
✔︎ Are there processes that need implementing for growth
✔︎ Are your strategies & tactics being followed
By doing the Marketing Discovery Audit , this will give you insights for marketing activities to help you get off to a great start for the new year.
Click here for more details
Check out the Effective On-Camera Presenting program
Video is a powerful marketing tool and that marketing using video is becoming an important way of connecting with your prospects & clients.
To use video, are you looking to understand
✔︎ How to effectively present to camera
✔︎ What you need to be aware of when using video
✔︎ What are the best approaches to create successful video?
✔︎ Get nervous in front of a video camera
✔︎ Wanting to create successful video?
✔︎ What tools you need to do thisThe date is set for Friday 8th February, 2019 – we’re taking bookings for the next upcoming Effective On-Camera Presenting for Professionals” – there’s only a couple of spaces available so  Register interest here for the next workshop
Hornsby Business Information Forum – a networking event to meet, ask those niggling marketing & business development questions, share & be inspired – 4th Thursday, Thyme Square cate – 8.30am to 10am, Free to attend. Business Professionals meet and discuss the topic of the day – – topic is the 6 steps to grow a business – book in Next Forum –  29th November, 2018 
          The Professional Services Marketing Conference 2018 was a day of learning, connecting and being motivated to get to the next level. Check out this Professional Services Marketing Conference overview video
If you missed attending and would like to see the presentations online or attended and want to see the presentations again – enjoy the
Online –  Professional Services Marketing Conference 2018 – there are 6 hours of presentations full of really valuable information to help you with marketing, digital marketing, sales and mindset.
For more details or to ask any questions, ring 0414 367 960.
See: and

Finally, I have a question for you – what are your top 5 marketing questions? Just email and let me know, these questions can be answered in future issues.

Thanks so much!
Adrienne McLean, The Speakers Practice

The Speakers Practice & Adrienne October newsletter, 2018

In our work, we are serving Service Professionals who are looking for:
✔︎ More clients,
✔︎ Improved marketing and sales,
✔︎ Improved communication skills, as well as,
✔︎ Techniques to raise awareness of their business.

We also help the business development, marketing and sales managers who are also looking to build their skills.

What are important skills needed in the workplace for growth - both personally and in business?

Marketing Skills and Business Development system 
Public Speaking, Presentation Skills and Communication Skills 
Effective Speaking to Camera and creating Video 
Professional Services Marketing Conference 

Here are our programs that are coming up -

The Professional Services Marketing Conference 2018 was a day of learning, connecting and being motivated to get to the next level. Check out this Professional Services Marketing Conference overview video (

If you missed attending and would like to see the presentations online or attended and want to see the presentations again - enjoy the
Online -  Professional Services Marketing Conference 2018 ( - there are 6 hours of presentations full of really valuable information to help you with marketing, digital marketing, sales and mindset.

The BookYourselfSolid Masterclass Intensive - 8 sessions live, online - going step by step through the business development system BookYourselfSolid - check here more details  

Marketing Discovery Audit
By doing an annual marketing audit, you will find out:
✔︎ Are your marketing systems working for you
✔︎ Are there processes that need implementing for growth
✔︎ Are your strategies & tactics being followed
By doing the Marketing Discovery Audit , this will give you insights for marketing activities to help you get off to a great start for the new year.

Check out the Effective On-Camera Presenting program 
Video is a powerful marketing tool and that marketing using video is becoming an important way of connecting with your prospects & clients.
To use video, are you looking to understand
✔︎ How to effectively present to camera
✔︎ What you need to be aware of when using video
✔︎ What are the best approaches to create successful video?
✔︎ Get nervous in front of a video camera
✔︎ Wanting to create successful video?
✔︎ What tools you need to do this

The Speakers Practice is taking bookings for the next upcoming Effective On-Camera Presenting for Professionals" 

Hornsby Business Information Forum - a networking event to meet, ask those niggling marketing & business development questions, share & be inspired - 4th Thursday, Thyme Square cate - 8.30am to 10am, Free to attend. Business Professionals meet and discuss the topic of the day - - topic is the 6 steps to grow a business - book in Next Forum -  25th October, 2018 

For more details or to ask any questions, ring 0414 367 960.
See: and